
Inspiration for Fulfilling the Mind, Body and Soul



your connection to all things around you

S2E17S6 – Baby Baby….I Got the Feelin

So yes, James Brown was in my head today repeating that chorus over and over. I don’t know why. Haven’t listened to him or read anything about him, but it’s there in my head ( hence the title). You ever… Continue Reading →

What’s in a Dream?

Are you a dreamer, no I’m not talking about daydreaming I mean when you go to bed at night or take a nap……close your eyes (which I guess could meditating or praying as well) do you dream? Yes, no? Dreams… Continue Reading →

S2E13S4 – Having Faith

What does it mean to “have” faith, for that matter what does faith really mean? Webster says it is the firm belief in something for which there is no proof. It is having a complete trust. We have talked about having… Continue Reading →

S2E9S3 -When Do You Know it’s Time

As you think about the things that you want and working to learn more and new things. Trying to really understand and practice the laws while working on your principles. You’ll go through things that test you as we spoke about… Continue Reading →

S2E6S2 – What Are Your Principles?

Now that we have covered all of the laws of the universe. We ended with the law of success which talked about using our faculties and practice using the laws as well as anything else we need for our goals…. Continue Reading →

S2E3S1 – The Law of Success

And finally we are here to the final law that I wanted to discuss and it is the Law of Success. If you have noticed so far, these laws don’t deny you anything. However you chose to act or think,… Continue Reading →

S1E44S11 – The Law of Supply

This law of supply states that there is no lack or limitations because nothing is created or destroyed. Having the understanding that everything is coming from one source of supply. Some people call this source just that, The Source. Others… Continue Reading →

S1E40S10 – Law of Compensation

Earlier in the podcast, we looked at learning how to make our desires a reality by changing our thought and learning how to bypass fear of failure. The law of compensation states that the amount of good you receive depends on… Continue Reading →

S1E35S9 – The Law of Increase

”The Law of Increase, we have this frame of mind that when we have good, fortune, knowledge, whatever it is. Whatever we have, we don’t want to take too much because it will be taking away from others. The reality… Continue Reading →

S1E32S8 – Law of Attraction

At last, we talk about the ever popular law of attraction. You are a living, breathing, creative magnet. You have the ability to control what you attract in your life. We learned this with that experiment using a washer on… Continue Reading →

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