
Inspiration for Fulfilling the Mind, Body and Soul



Affects of the body, health as well as shape and appearance

S1E31B8 – Oil, fat and butters …Oh my!

I had a conversation last week with someone and we talked about different foods and if it’s good or bad.  Which in general, nothing is really black or white enough to cast a blanket over…but anywho,  we got on the topics of… Continue Reading →

S1E27B7 – Dietary Direction: Where is Your Diet Taking You

I mentioned this a little during the cohost episode and figured I should explain myself a little more. I hadn’t even heard about this until I went back to school and found it to be very interesting! Dietary direction, what does that… Continue Reading →

S1E23B6 – The Way You Age is Determined by Your Cells????

Don’t you find it interesting that there are some people who are old as dust but look so young while there are young people who look…well old as dust….ok, ok…older than they are.   Why is it that some people… Continue Reading →

S1E19B5 – What Causes High Cholesterol, Heart Attack and Stroke

In one word, Atherosclerosis. While some people believe eating a fatty diet or cutting out fat or meat will help reduce their chances of a heart attack or stroke by controlling their cholesterol. The surprise that most people don’t know… Continue Reading →

S1E15B4 -Deodorant…..What’s the Point

The 1st deodorant was trademarked/patented back in 1888 and before that we as human beings used perfumes to mask our smells. Other cultures who couldn’t afford costly perfumes, burned incense such as frankincense, sage, or other resins and herbs. But… Continue Reading →

S1E10B3 – Is Your Skin Sensitive or Has it Reached its Limit?

You notice how people are becoming more and more skin sensitive?  Sometimes it’s its the environment ( pollution, what’s off-gassing in our homes such as the carpet, bed etc), Sometimes it’s  the food we eat and the body’s inability to… Continue Reading →

S1E6B2 – Are You Sure It’s Pure

As we go about building these healthy bodies we look to eat healthy foods, supplements and beverages to help our bodies to heal, repair and perform As years have gone by we as people have a tendency to change what… Continue Reading →

S1E2B1-Listening to Your Body

You would be surprised at at the number of signs that your body gives you on a daily basis that we have grown accustomed to ignoring. – Hands ( nails) – Peeling calcium, vit A, C – Ridges (vert or… Continue Reading →

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