Have you ever looked at your teeth and seen white spots or streaks appear on them? What about your nails or how about a hard bone or something poking through your hand or your feet. People are typically told it… Continue Reading →
When I heard this I had to stop and pause for a second. Took a look at the periodic table and…….opened myself up to learning more. So, turns out that when we don’t have enough oxygen in our body we are… Continue Reading →
On this episode of My Fulfilled Life, we interview Sunshine Beeson who is an Iridologist. I discovered Sunshine at the New England Holistic Health Expo this fall. Admittedly, I didn’t take it seriously when I saw her because I had never heard… Continue Reading →
We are now in a society that if you have a headache, take a pill. Have a low libido? Take a pill. Back pain? Take…A…pill. You get sick? take a shot and take a pill (ha ha ha) Diabetes, thyroid… Continue Reading →
Ever since we were little kids we have been told to save money for emergencies, retirement, children, etc. so that we can live comfortably when we are old and retired. We invest in stock markets, 401ks, Roth IRAs, CDs, commodities,… Continue Reading →
I mentioned this a little during the cohost episode and figured I should explain myself a little more. I hadn’t even heard about this until I went back to school and found it to be very interesting! Dietary direction, what does that… Continue Reading →
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