
Inspiration for Fulfilling the Mind, Body and Soul



S2E17B6 – The Balancing Act of Vitamins and Minerals

Have you ever looked at your teeth and seen white spots or streaks appear on them?  What about your nails or how about a hard bone or something poking through your hand or your feet. People are typically told it… Continue Reading →

S2E8B3 – Your Brain Controls More Than You Think

The National Institute of Mental Health estimates that 40 million Americans are affected by a number of mental or emotional conditions that affect the quality of life. These conditions are depression, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, autism, dementia or Alzheimer’s. There are conditions… Continue Reading →

S2E5B2 -Slapping Bandaids on your Symptoms

We are now in a society that if you have a headache, take a pill. Have a low libido? Take a pill. Back pain? Take…A…pill. You get sick? take a shot and take a pill (ha ha ha) Diabetes, thyroid… Continue Reading →

S1E15B4 -Deodorant…..What’s the Point

The 1st deodorant was trademarked/patented back in 1888 and before that we as human beings used perfumes to mask our smells. Other cultures who couldn’t afford costly perfumes, burned incense such as frankincense, sage, or other resins and herbs. But… Continue Reading →

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