
Inspiration for Fulfilling the Mind, Body and Soul


January 2018

S2E13S4 – Having Faith

What does it mean to “have” faith, for that matter what does faith really mean? Webster says it is the firm belief in something for which there is no proof. It is having a complete trust. We have talked about having… Continue Reading →

S2E12B4 – Is Sleep Like a Vitamin?

Sleep, Sleep sleep, how is your sleep? Do you naturally wake up at a certain time or feel just as tired as you went to bed? Maybe some days one while other days….well you struggle. What’s the big deal with… Continue Reading →

S2E11M4 – The Wandering Mind

So as I read these books on how to stay focused and see examples that occur in nature.  It just doesn’t seem the same as being somewhere that requires you to stay focused for a certain period of time. Such… Continue Reading →

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